SCORE – The Matchmaker

Dating is a game. And so we made a dating game app.  A 1970s-style fun dating game app. One that went off the belief that true connections require real connections, not just physical matches. And thus Score was built.

Score blurred out profile images and required users to write a quick something about themselves. This way, people “played” each other based on personality. And by playing, it meant someone accepting a game, and then each would answer the exact same five “crazy” questions. Once complete, they would get a “score” to see how they matched. This score would then unlock features such as images and the ability to play again and chat through the app.

I wrote created the UI/UX and brand design. We were also the first dating app to feature Geo Location (which had extreme safety settings for users). We beat Tinder to that.

We had 5,000 downloads the first month with an extremely limited budget. The app was a huge hit, and we had baked in several new “pay it forward” features that would have completely transformed the Dating App game even further.

SCORE – The Matchmaker 

Creative Director  Casey Cordes
Design Director David Steinberg
Role Brand Development, UI/UX Design, Team Management, Interface with developers
May 2014


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